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Welcome to Woking shopMobility


Woking shopMobility was formed in 1989 as the chosen Mayoral Charity to help provide freedom and independence for disabled members of the community. Our aim is to

give access to all, to to enjoy Woking town centre. This includes the  New Victoria & Rhoda McGaw Theatres, Nova Cinema, Lightbox Gallery & Museum, HG Wells Conference,

Events centre and Market Walk. Today the centre has grown and also hosts

Chinese New Year events and an annual food festival. 


The project focussed around the hire of mobility scooters, powered and manual wheelchairs, including children's wheelchairs. Also the hire of manual wheelchairs and travel scooters for holidays and day trips. With a central location, with our own private free parking area for clients to use. Under cover this is a friendly, warm, dry and safe base in the town centre. This  enables users to shop, socialise and keep appointments and as our centre is mostly under cover protects clients from our unpredic


Registration is quick and easy; by simply completing our registration form,

after which equipment can be hired for a small fee. Full details of our charges

can be found in 'Our Fees' section on this website.


Our friendly staff will help you choose the right equipment to suit your needs and abilities. We will ensure that you are confident and safe by showing you how to use the vehicle.  We also have volunteers available if you need assistance during your visit, they will happily push you in a wheelchair, and provide company during your visit if needed.  The volunteer visits need to be pre-arranged, so please do contact the office on 01483 776612 if you feel this could help you.

We can also direct you to the Bustler Dial - a - Ride service for those who are reliant on Public Transport. Full details of the Bustler Service can be found here. 


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